Back at it

THis my second, or maybe my third quilt. I came home from the Gee’s Bend exhibit, put my feet up and drank a glass of water. Then I got in the car and drove to the fabric store, and found this flannel. The Gee’s Benders used corduroy, and my fabric store didn’t have any. I didn’t own a ruler or mat for cutting, yet, so I tore the strips. I think I looked at the knitted version in Mason Dixon Knitting, too. It’s not often that I can pinpoint exactly when I went over the deep end into a new pursuit, but that exhibit, and this quilt, mark my jump over the cliff EXACTLY.

Knitting was more insidious- just a few baby sweaters for the second baby, a little something to pass the time on bedrest. Fourteen Rubbermaid tubs of yarn later, I realized that this was not a phase. It crept up on me, one skein at a time. Sort of like knitting itself- all those tiny stitches, one after another, and suddenly, or not so suddenly, I am staring at a sweater, a shawl, a sock.

Well, this is where the summary of those two thoughts go, but I don’t have one. Leave a comment if you can tell me what it all means. I have to go to work tomorrow, and in a weird way, I am looking forward to it.

7 responses »

  1. That is an amazing and beautiful quilt. And no it’s not weird to want to go to work some times. Sometimes, it’s the only chance we get to getaway from it all.

  2. That makes me want to jump, for sure! It’s beautiful. So simple.I was watching a show about Winston Churchill last night and they went to Christ Church in Alexandria, VA, which was Geo. Washington’s church. It had that same simplicity and beauty. The pews were light wood with dark railings so the whole interior has a similar feel to your quilt.

  3. I’d never heard of Gee’s Bend before. I really like the stained glass effect–that’s a beautiful quilt.As a sometimes-patient, give me a nurse any day who wants to be doing their job. Thank you for that!

  4. Your quilt is absolutely gorgeous. I had to check out your blog because you are a Laura and you left a comment at Mason-Dixon Knitting. I am inspired. I have heard the siren call of quilting for several years now, but have thought it is impossible to quilt and knit. But you have me believing it may be possible after all… .

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