My Crown of Thorns is SO BIG….

Inspired by Tonya’s little bitty blocks, I made one out of 10.5 inch blocks. I made it to be the back of the sand bucket quilt,( a few posts ago) but then I added borders to that, so i would have to add borders to this, so I am in flux again. I think I will add borders. I have some large scale Hawwian print that has been loitering in the stash, and it would make a very cute binding on the sand bucket quilt.

Trut be told I don’t really feel like I’ve ever gotten all the way well from my pneumonia bout. I had to go off my RA drugs, and they sometimes don’t work as well when you go back on the. I tried to remain positive and hope, but actually I have been in a lot of pain. I even made the great sacrifice ( snort) of trying to slow down, but it did ot improve my pain levels, and quitting my walks made me even lower energy as well as made the dogs wild and nutty. So, back to the walking, back to pain meds, back to swollen hands and, oh crap.  I know I need to remain positive and hopeful and grateful, but I’m loosing my grip on all that just now.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. A least, my attitude has no where to go but up!

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4 responses »

  1. I'm so sorry to learn that your health issues are causing you so much grief. I know what it's like to be dragged down by chronic health problems. I hope something comes along to lift your spirits (or has done already and you just haven't shared yet!). Your Crown of Thorns blocks is very happy. It would have been a fun back for the sand bucket quilt. I love the idea of a Hawaiian print to bind it!

  2. Very,very cute quilt. Sending lots of understanding hugs your way. Always remember, that those of us who walk the edge have great power and holding onto one's faith and even tenuous grip on that edge as we try to cross each and every bridge we come too makes us even more powerful. It's hard being on the short path through pain and suffering, but you do have a great spirit and you can do this!

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