It’s a floor!

Look it’s maple! My favorite flavor!  Now of course, I need a painter, and I am fretting about where the furniture should go. I had a painter, but things are so bad that he layed off his guys, and he’s painting a house by himself right now.  So, not available to work.. So I will look more, and he did give me an estimate so that I knew where the ballpark was.  The new sump pump guy was supposed to drop off a quote tonight, but maybe he meant tomorrow?  No, the homeowners insurance did not cover it.  I am a wee bit stressed myself, but I will get a maple flavored room out of it.

It has been like an ant farm here, all day.  The kids and I have been carrying things down 2 flights to the maple room, from the former bedroom, and then carrying things from the garage up two flights from  the former-bedroom-future-TV-room.  When DH got home from work he and my son carried the dressers down the stairs.  Amazing, I have a son old enough to carry furniture.

Once I get over the dust bunny shame- every time we move a piece of furniture there is a whole herd of dust bunnies- and I get over the panic of figuring out where the new furniture goes- and I get over the exhaustion of all the carrying and climbing- well, then it will be real nice. I’m grateful that this is the dilemma, don’t get me wrong, but it is a little nerve wracking!

Tomorrow I fold fabric and put it on shelves. That will be fun!

5 responses »

  1. What a pretty floor! What a lot of work! It's going to feel so good when it's all done :- )Your blue shelter quilt turned out great. Those circle/flowers make wonderful sashing!

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